Team Members

Meet our LIFTT Team Members!


Carlos Ramalho

Carlos Ramalho

Executive Director

Debra Acosta

Debra Acosta

Finance & HR Director

Freda Mook

Freda Mook

Data Management, Quality Control & Training

Alyssa Everett

Alyssa Everett

Accounts Receivable & Payroll

JoDean Frieling

Administrative Assistant

Bryan Bailey

Finance Assistant

Self Direct Personal Care Assistant Program

Lanette Brown

Lanette Brown

PCA Program Manager/Facilitator

Annedria Vincent

Annedria Vincent

PCA Program Facilitator

Tana Stone

Tana Stone

Glendive PCA Program Facilitator

Kylie Leeper

Kylie Leeper

PCA Program Facilitator

Independent Living Program

Jen Hawkinson

Jen Hawkinson

Glendive Regional Manager/ Senior IL Specialist

Pamela Ramirez

Pamela Ramirez

Billings IL Program Manager

Tonnette Jensen

Tonnette Jensen

Assistant Glendive Regional Manager/IL Specialist

Marilyn Gone

Marilyn Gone

Billings I & R Specialist

Nancy Grigsby

Nancy Grigsby

Glendive Community Health Worker/IL Specialist

Anya Pulis

Anya Pulis

Diabetes Prevention & Management Nutrition Education Coach/Billings IL Specialst

Monica Anderson

Monica Anderson

Glendive Outreach Coordinator

Eileen Rodriguez

Eileen Rodriguez

Diabetes Prevention & Management Nutrition Education Coach/Billings IL Specialist

Berry Rushing

Glendive IL Specialist

Theresa Sand

Theresa Sand

Billings IL Specialist

Shailo Mittelstaed

Glendive IL Specialist

Rachial Combs

Rachial Combs

Billings Community Health Worker & IL Specialist

Sarah Koyle

Glendive IL Specialist

Barbara Pewitt

Barbara Pewitt

Billings VR Specialist /IL Specialist

Caleb Myhre

Glendive IL Specialist

Emily Lentz

Billings Kitchen Manager

Kelly Studer

Billings Kitchen Assistant

Jed Barton

Jed Barton

Public Relations, Government Affairs & Billings IL Specialist

Peer Program

Tanya Thomas

Tanya Thomas

Peer Program Coordinator

Darren Able

Darren Able

Peer Mentor

Sue Watkins

Sue Watkins

Peer Mentor


About Sue

Vern Anderson

Peer Mentor

John Paul "JP" Zermeno

Peer Mentor

Kristin Snider

Peer Mentor


About Kristen

Tricia Bishop

Peer Mentor


About Tricia

About Living Independently for Today & Tomorrow (LIFTT): LIFTT is a Montana 501(c)3 corporation organized as a Center for Independent Living (CIL). With team members based in Billings and Glendive, LIFTT provides people with disabilities with programs and services that help empower them to break down the physical, bureaucratic, and cultural barriers that prevent them from being fully independent participants in their lives and communities throughout 18 counties in southeastern and southcentral Montana: Big Horn, Carbon, Carter, Custer, Dawson, Fallon, Garfield, Golden Valley, McCone, Musselshell, Powder River, Prairie, Richland, Stillwater, Wibaux, and Yellowstone. For more information, please visit or download our mobile app on Apple or Google Play.

You can donate to LIFTT by clicking here.