Team Members


Before working at LIFTT, I worked as an international finance and tax attorney, public and private international law professor, ordained protestant pastor, and executive of profit and nonprofit corporations.
LIFTT is one of the four (4) Centers for Independent Living (CILs) of the state of Montana. Its jurisdiction is Southeastern Montana, encompassing the largest population base and geographical square mileage of the four (4) CILs. As Executive Director, my responsibilities are inclusive but not limited to the following:
- Serving and representing the population of our service area.
- Supervising employees.
- Efficiently managing the budget.
- Writing and continually updating/ revising format for personnel, administration, and grants management policies and procedures.
- Communicating and implementing board policies throughout the organization.
- Serving as liaison with all levels of government and private nonprofit partners, inclusive but not limited to the following:
- Administration for Community Living – ACL.
- Montana Vocational Rehabilitation.
- Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services – DPHHS.
- Montana Agencies for the Aging.
- Montana Independent Living Council – SILC.
- Montana Rehabilitation Council – SRC.
- Representing LIFTT on statewide committees and councils.
- Maintaining partnerships with other organizations.
- Representing the independent living community before healthcare providers and stakeholders.
- Serving as spokesperson on advocacy, legislative, and policy issues.
- Overseeing resource development, corporate, federal, and state government grants and contracts.
- Developing and implementing strategies for the organization’s development, sustainability, and expansion.
- Managing LIFTT’s human resources according to Board approved policies and procedures.
Further, as LIFTT’s Executive Director, I have served as a leader of the following regional and national cross-disability grassroots organizations run by and for people with disabilities:
- The Montana Statewide Council for Independent Living – MTSILC. To that avail, I have served the MTSILC for more than seven (7) years, initially as Secretary and member of the Executive Committee. From October 2019 until 31 December 2022, I represented all four (4) Montana Centers for Independent Living – CILs before SILC.
- The National Association of Statewide Independent Living Councils – NASILC as a representative of Region 8 during 2020-2021.
- The Montana State Rehabilitation Council – SRC since 2020.
- The Montana Association of Centers for Independent Living – MTCIL as founder and vice-chair during the 2020-2021 fiscal year.
It is part of my job to continuously work on different projects seeking accessibility and inclusion of people with disabilities, study and promote compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Rehabilitation Act, and the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). It is a joy to learn about the history of Independent Living in the United States and abroad.
I approach “disability” rights through the independent living perspective and unwavering defense of the treatise that “disability” is a natural aspect of human life. The barriers people with “disabilities” face are inherently rooted in ableism and discrimination. Given this premise, by the very definition of the etymology of the word “disabled,” (I prefer to implement the term “challenged” instead of “disabled”) means not capable in modern language. This is evidenced by the rapid change of nomenclature throughout the US from “disability” to “ability.”
I enjoy serving, accommodating, including, and defending through LIFTT disabled individuals of any race, religious affiliation, gender identity, or sexual orientation and helping them thoroughly thrive in their communities.
Originally a Brazilian national, I relocated to the US in 2006 under the auspices of political asylum. Before moving to US soil, I lived and worked in several South American and European countries. This experience furthered enriched my understanding of world culture and customs. I fluently speak English, Portuguese, and Spanish and communicate efficiently in Italian, French, and German. Perhaps my proudest moment was in 2016 when I took the oath of American citizenship
If you would like additional information about LIFTT’s services and opportunities, please do not hesitate to contact me at or (406) 294-5190.
Debra Acosta has recently joined LIFTT as our Finance and HR Director. Debra comes to us with thirty-plus years of Accounting, Payroll, Office Management, and IT experience and seven years of experience with the disabled and aging communities. Not only is Debra working with LIFTT, but she is also currently working to educate the community on the needs of the dying. She is a Certified Death Doula and hopes to create a forum to further educate the community on the options available and navigate the process of preparing for death. Her diverse knowledge gives her a great understanding of the needs of both the administrative side of the business and the Caregiver’s needs.
Debra grew up in the great Northwest, spending time in Spokane, Washington, North Pole Alaska, California, and now Montana. She has seven children and five grandchildren. She loves the outdoors, sewing, and gardening.
Debra can be reached at (406) 606-1761 or
I was diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder – ADD shortly before my eighth birthday. I also have Severe Myopia (advanced nearsightedness), Seasonal Affective Disorder, Sciatica accompanied by nerve damage, and degenerative osteoarthritis of the hips and spine (spondylosis).
I joined LIFTT as a Medicaid Billing Specialist and receptionist in October 2003. Being a disabled child raised by disabled parents has given me a unique perspective on life within the disabled community. Not many people realize that Independent Living is a civil rights movement that touches every person at some point in their life. Whether we are born with a disability, acquire one during our lifetime, or have friends or family members with a disability, every one of us will face this challenge. I consider myself powerful and successful because I choose to face these challenges head-on every day. Life experiences have made me who I am, and my time at LIFTT has given me many opportunities to witness other people’s daily successes.
I have 4 grown children and 4 grandchildren. I love to crochet all sorts of things in my spare time and gift all my crocheted afghans to friends and family. I also love camping at Newlan Creek Reservoir near White Sulphur Springs, barbecuing with family, gardening, and being an avid online gamer.
My name is Alyssa Everett. I am in charge of LIFTT’s accounts receivable and payroll. I have spent most of my adult life working in healthcare in some capacity. I spent my early CNA days working with Adults with Developmental Disabilities in a community living setting in Washington State. I focused on high behavioral and crisis clients within that community. I spent time in Assisted Living, Nursing/Rehab facilities, and at a Level 2 trauma center (Hospital) at the start of the Pandemic. I worked as the HR/Payroll/AP Manager for a Long Term Care facility in Boulder, CO, where I found that I enjoyed the backend of healthcare and supporting those directly impacting those that serve our community. When I moved to Billings in the fall of 2022, I wanted to take the time to find the right company to be my new home, and a non-profit that served the local community was just what I was looking for. I found LIFTT and am happy to be part of the team.
I enjoy reading, crocheting, watching baseball, and spending time with my mini-Aussie doodle Widget in my free time. When time permits, I love visiting my family; my sister and her family are in Denver, my mom and stepdad are in the Seattle area, and my grandparents and extended family are in southern California. If there is anything I can do for you, please do not hesitate to contact me at or (406) 294-5193.
JoDean Frieling
Bryan Bailey
Self Direct Personal Care Assistant Program

I feel the self-direct program is particularly satisfying because it allows the consumer to hire people they are comfortable with, and it gives them the ability to be in charge of their circumstances while, at the same time, accepting help when needed.
Like a number of LIFTT’s employees, I live with my own disabilities, including lower back issues, mild depression, and diabetes. I consider my disabilities to be minor compared to the individuals LIFTT helps. “I would like to believe I have left a small mark for the better of the consumers I help, and I feel every day is a success story – if you can get out of bed, arrive at work safely, and make someone’s day a little easier.”
I enjoy exploring Montana and other states with my husband, reading, and playing the piano at home and church. I enjoy cooking, camping, crafting, working word search puzzles, and serving as secretary-treasurer for four irrigation ditch companies.
I have a loving husband who supports me. I have a son who is in the Marines. He is married, and they have provided two wonderful granddaughters. We’ve been foster parents and parents to an international student with whom we have had continued contact.
If you have any questions about the CFC/SDPAS program, please feel free to contact me:
My name is Tana Stone. I have been at LIFTT for about 9 months; I am a Program Facilitator for the Community First Choice Self-Directed Personal Assistance Services. (CFC/SDPAS) I love it here at LIFTT, and it is so rewarding to help the elderly and disabled remain in their homes for as long as they can. Being Self-directed, my consumers can choose who they are comfortable with as caregivers. I am the PCA Facilitator here in Glendive. The diversity of the people I work with, all have different needs; that is the part I love, getting to know my consumers. It is very important they feel comfortable with me as well.
Like many of our consumers and employees, I, too, live with disabilities. Depression, anxiety, OCD, and degenerative disk disease. Before coming to LIFTT, I did not think of my depression, anxiety, and OCD as disabilities. However, I have come to learn they are, and they play a significant role in our day-to-day lives. I do not let them define the person I am, but there are days when they do take over my life—not wanting to get out of bed, worrying about everything, even things that have not happened yet. I think letting people know the disabilities we all struggle with daily makes them not feel alone.
I am a single mom. I have my 16-year-old daughter at home, and my other two girls live on their own. I am also a grandmother of seven. I lost my son in a motorcycle accident, January 30, 2022, that is something I work through every day. I enjoy family time, getting everyone together to play games, or watching my grandkids. Before coming to LIFTT, I worked in admissions at Badlands Recovery Center. Summer is my favorite time of year; my daughter and I take our two dogs on walks. We love walking down Main Street and window shopping or stopping in for a frappe at one of our local coffee shops.
If you have any questions about LIFTT’s PCA Program, please feel free to reach out to me at (406) 948-2060 or
Independent Living Program

Jen Hawkinson
Glendive Regional Manager/ Senior IL Specialist

Tonnette Jensen
Assistant Glendive Regional Manager/IL Specialist

Nancy Grigsby
Glendive Community Health Worker/IL Specialist

Anya Pulis
Diabetes Prevention & Management Nutrition Education Coach/Billings IL Specialst

Eileen Rodriguez
Diabetes Prevention & Management Nutrition Education Coach/Billings IL Specialist

Rachial Combs
Billings Community Health Worker & IL Specialist

Barbara Pewitt
Billings VR Specialist /IL Specialist

Jed Barton
Public Relations, Government Affairs & Billings IL Specialist
I have lived in Eastern Montana most of my life and would not move to live anywhere else. I absolutely love Montana and its people. Our state is a very special place and Montanans are the kindest, most friendly, most hardworking, and most community-oriented Americans that have ever lived in the nation. I love being surrounded by skies, and sunshine throughout the year even when it snows. The smiles, solidarity, and encouragement of my neighbors and co-workers make me feel warm and welcome.
Glendive and surrounding cities are the places where Montana life still exists, and community living is a lifestyle. I know my neighbors and greet them everywhere I go. We care for and support each other. I meet friends if I go to a restaurant, grocery shopping, the courthouse, or the hospital. It is like being part of a big family that does not have skin color, race, religion, or political ideology. We all welcome and accept each other whether we are able or disabled. Montana is where I work and serve others through LIFTT.
I have been working at LIFTT for over 2 years. I previously worked for LIFTT 10 years ago but left to work for other organizations. Life brought me back to LIFTT during the COVID-19 pandemic and it was a great opportunity for both of us.
I have over 20 years of experience working with a wide variety of people in diverse settings. I have been immersed in communities all over the Eastern side of the Treasure State, through a variety of positions that I have worked including the Boys and Girls Club of Dawson County as the Program Director and Action for Eastern Montana as a Youth Employment and Training Specialist.
I am outgoing and enjoy engaging people in conversation to tell them what LIFTT offers and what resources are available to them. I have developed the ability to break down information and make it easy for people to understand. I learned how to help navigate LIFTT’s consumers through the yellow tape, allowing them to become their own advocates.
When I am not at the office or traveling and doing outreach for LIFTT, I enjoy spending time with my husband Mike, my sons Joe and Jacob, my daughter Jordan, and my friends. I have 3 dogs named Simba, Murphy, and Chewbacca. They are a lot of fun.
If you need any assistance or just would like to talk, please do not hesitate to contact me at (406) 948-8503 or I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Coming to LIFTT, I bring the knowledge of being a strong advocate for myself and others. Working with people who have disabilities has made me want to see change, address the tough issues, and provide a voice for those who feel like they don’t have one. When I hear the word “disability” I think of something beautiful, and strong, I want to help people with disabilities think that way about themself.
During my free time, I like to hang out with my husband as well as my three dogs and three cats at home. Nothing beats watching “Golden Girls” while being with the people and animals I love.
My name is Marilyn Gone. Since February 2024, I have been an Information & Referal (I & R) Specialst). I have been with LIFTT since 2010 as a receptionist (2010, 2012- Feb 2024) and as an independent living specialist (2011).
I grew up on the Fort Belknap reservation in the little town of Hays, in north central Montana, and attended a Roman Catholic Mission school. I spent the first three years of high school in out-of-state native boarding and Mission schools before graduating from Harlem High School. I obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology with options in Social Work and Social Justice from MSU-Bozeman. I spent many years in various human service professions, both in direct services and administration, and taught Human Service and Psychology classes at the tribal community college level.
I had three children; my oldest son is now deceased, and I raised them mainly as a single parent. I have four grandchildren and one great-grandson. I am a voracious reader of free Kindle books, enjoy attending powwows and ceremonies, and am involved in the native community in Billings. I am now the matriarch of our huge extended family.
I was unable to work for several years after 2002 because of my mental health disability which had progressed over the years, finally resulting in a diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). My early life was full of many traumas. Finally, feeling that I might be able to make it in the world of work again, I found a program called Experience Works and was placed at LIFTT. It was very difficult for me at first, not because of the work but because I could not control my emotions sometimes, and I tried to quit several times.
However, thanks to our awesome Program Manager at the time, who understood bipolar disorder because of having family members with the disorder, she would not allow it! She let me work at my own pace and as many days as I felt I could. I am very grateful to her, and I have continued to progress and heal from trauma over the years since.
I used to be ashamed to disclose my disability, but working at LIFTT has given me the courage, and maybe my story might help someone else. I enjoy meeting and getting to know the consumers at LIFTT and am so happy when they receive what they need with the assistance of our dedicated team members.
I have spent much of my life doing service work, from running a home daycare center and raising my children to working as a Certified Nursing Assistance at a nursing home, as a home health aide, and in group home settings. I enjoy doing anything I can to help people live their best life. In my free time, I enjoy reading daily devotionals, listening to Christian music, crafting, and making meals for family and friends.
When I started my job at LIFTT, it felt like home to me. I joined LIFTT as an Independent Living (IL) Specialist in April of 2022. LIFTT is a great workplace. I enjoy being an IL Specialist. I want to become a strong voice for disability rights and independent living and work to assist consumers like you in maintaining their lives independently in the community. Essentially, living independently is having opportunities to make decisions that affect our lives and pursue the activities of our choosing, limited only by the decisions we make. I look forward to making connections with our consumers in the eastern part of our service area.
Hi, I am Anya Pullis, a Nutritional Health Coach and Independent Living Specialist at LIFTT based in the Billings office. I joined LIFTT in 2024, bringing my background in kinesiology, fitness, and wellness coaching to help individuals live healthier, more independent lives through the Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP). I have a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology and have been an ACE Certified Personal Trainer since 2020. Since 2018, I have been teaching group fitness classes, focusing on strength, mobility, and overall well-being for people of all abilities.
I currently co-teach the Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) class with Eileen Rodriguez, marking the beginning of health and wellness classes as part of LIFTT’s services. In addition, I teach a free strength class and coordinate wellness workshops with LIFTT’s partners to help Montana residents stay informed about ways to improve their quality of life.
Outside of work, I love hiking with my husband, getting lost in a good book, and competing in powerlifting. I’m passionate about empowering others with the knowledge and tools they need to achieve their health goals and discover physical activities they truly enjoy.
If you would like to connect to find out more about the Diabetes Prevention Program and our other health and wellness services here at LIFTT, please give me a call at (406) 606-1766 or drop me an email at
For Eileen Rodriguez, health is personal. Her passion for helping others make lasting lifestyle changes began at home when her parents started experiencing health challenges. She watched her mother transform her life after a pre-diabetes diagnosis, making key adjustments that successfully prevented the onset of diabetes. Inspired by that success, Eileen wondered: Could a similar approach help her father, who was beginning to show signs of memory loss?
As she cared for her dad, Eileen found herself searching for something more — a supportive community where people could share ideas, struggles, and successes in implementing real, sustainable lifestyle changes. She longed for a space where people could come together, not just to learn about health, but to truly live it. That desire to build a community of encouragement, knowledge, and empowerment is what fuels her work at LIFTT.
A National Board Certified Health Coach, Eileen brings years of experience in exercise, nutrition, and stress management. She coaches both individuals and groups on how to create sustainable, health-centered habits. She believes that wellness isn’t just about knowledge—it’s about action, support, and finding joy in the process.
But her passion for learning and exploration goes far beyond health coaching. Throughout her life, her greatest joy has come from being part of groups that dive deep into discovery and growth. She has taught Spanish, writing, and history, and has co-led outdoor adventure camps in Trinidad, Arizona, and Montana. She has spent over five years leading water aerobics at the YMCA and has recently brought her expertise to Tai Chi classes at LIFTT — a practice that merges movement, mindfulness, and well-being.
At her core, Eileen believes in the power of small, intentional changes that lead to lasting transformation. Whether it’s guiding someone through their first Tai Chi class, helping a group uncover the power of whole foods, or simply encouraging a person to take that next small step toward better health, her goal is simple: to empower others to take control of their well-being, one day at a time.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out — I’d love to connect and support you on your health journey!
Eileen Rodriguez
Contact Information:
LIFTT – Living Independently for Today & Tomorrow
1241 Crawford Drive, Billings, MT 59102
Office: (406) 259-5181 | Direct: (406) 294-5185
LIFTT is a Montana 501(c)(3) nonprofit Center for Independent Living (CIL) with offices in Billings and Glendive, serving aging and disabled individuals across 18 counties in South and Central Eastern Montana.
Our Vision: Empowering aging and disabled individuals to LIFTT themselves above the barriers of life.
Our Mission: Living Independently for Today and Tomorrow – Empowering individuals with disabilities through education, support, and opportunities.
I’m Theresa Sand, a Montana native and, since the summer of 2024, an Independent Living (IL) Specialist here at LIFTT. And let me just say — I’m absolutely thrilled to be here.
My journey started at Rocky Mountain College, where I completed the paralegal program (back when they still had it!) and was honored as the Paralegal Student of the Year. From there, I transferred to Montana State University – Billings, graduating magna cum laude with a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology and a minor in History. I spent years working in law firms before transitioning into the insurance world, handling everything from bodily injury claims to litigation and even stepping into management.
Then life threw me a curveball…
During that time, I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, and eventually, I had to step away from work. What I didn’t know then was that life had a different path in store for me. After a 9½-year sabbatical (let’s call it that), in a twist of pure serendipity, I ended up buying a house right across the street from LIFTT’s Executive Director. That lucky break led me here, and I can say, without a doubt, that it was one of the best things to ever happen to me.
In addition to bipolar disorder, I’m also on the Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) spectrum, along with many of its coexisting conditions. LIFTT not only supports me but also provides accommodations that allow me to work part-time. It’s truly a dream come true to be part of an organization that values inclusivity and understands what it means to live with a disability.
Before joining LIFTT, I was a volunteer wish granter for the Make-A-Wish Foundation, and just like that experience, my work here brings me joy. I love connecting with people, helping them navigate challenges, and finding solutions that empower them to live independently. Soon, I’ll be training to facilitate Living Well in the Community (LWC) classes, and I can’t wait to get started!
A little more about me: My mom also works part-time at LIFTT, which makes this journey even more special. My daughter — who is the absolute joy of my life — is a hospice nurse. I share my home with three dogs (I used to work with an animal rescue, and at one point, I had nine — I just can’t say no to those eyes!).
Outside of work, you’ll find me tackling home improvement projects on my 100-year-old house, decorating, baking cakes for friends and family, and soaking up time with the people (and pets) I love.
One of my favorite quotes comes from Mahatma Gandhi: “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” That philosophy is what drives me — both personally and professionally. And at LIFTT, I get to live it every day.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out if I can be of any help!
Contact Information:
Theresa Sand
LIFTT – Living Independently for Today & Tomorrow
1241 Crawford Drive, Billings, MT 59102
Office: (406) 259-5181 | Direct: (406) 294-5192
Fax: (406) 259-5259
LIFTT is a Montana 501(c)(3) nonprofit Center for Independent Living (CIL) with offices in Billings and Glendive, serving aging and disabled individuals across 18 counties in South and Central Eastern Montana.
Our Vision: Empowering aging and disabled individuals to LIFTT themselves above the barriers of life.
Our Mission: Living Independently for Today and Tomorrow – Empowering individuals with disabilities through education, support, and opportunities.
Hi, I am Rachial Combs, I have been immersed in the world of healthcare since 2020, wearing many hats along the way — Patient Safety Attendant, Patient Care Attendant, Patient Access Specialist, Certified Nursing Assistant, and even a Lifeguard and Swim Instructor at the YMCA. My journey led me to Living Independently for Today & Tomorrow (LIFTT) LIFTT, where I began as a Community Health Worker and Independent Living Specialist on January 6, 2025.
Growing up in a low-income family, I experienced firsthand the challenges of navigating healthcare, disabilities, and uncertainty about the future. Dyslexia made learning difficult, and for a long time, my path forward felt unclear. But through perseverance and creative problem-solving, I found ways to adapt, thrive, and turn those struggles into strengths. Now, I have the privilege of using my experiences — both personal and professional — to empower others. Nothing is more rewarding than witnessing someone achieve their goals and knowing I played even a small role in their success.
I’ve learned that sometimes, the smallest steps lead to the biggest transformations. The little things are the big things. Growth, independence, and change don’t happen overnight, but with persistence, even the smallest daily progress can lead to something truly remarkable.
Beyond my work, I am an artist at heart. I find joy in drawing, painting, DIY crafting, photography, and cooking. I love movement, whether hiking with my family and dog, dancing, weightlifting, or swimming. I enjoy the thrill of a good mystery audiobook, trivia nights at The Vig, spoiling my pets, traveling, and simply soaking in the beauty of nature.
At LIFTT, I get to combine my passion for helping others with my love for creativity and problem-solving. Every day, I strive to make a difference — one conversation, one solution, and one step forward at a time.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of any help to you
Contact Information:
LIFTT – Living Independently for Today & Tomorrow
1241 Crawford Drive, Billings, MT 59102
Office: (406) 259-5181 | Direct: (406) 831-0017
Fax: (406) 259-5259
LIFTT is a Montana 501(c)(3) Center for Independent Living (CIL) with offices in Billings and Glendive, serving people with disabilities in 18 counties across South and Central Eastern Montana.
Our Vision: Empowering aging and disabled individuals to LIFTT themselves above the barriers of life.
Our Mission: Living Independently for Today and Tomorrow – Empowering individuals with disabilities through education, support, and opportunities.
Barbara Pewitt
Caleb Myhre
Emily Lenz
Kelly Studer
My name is Jed Barton, it has been my privilege to be a Public Relations, Government Affairs, & Independent Living Specialist (though under several different titles!) here at LIFTT since 2010. As a person with disabilities (Autism Spectrum Disorder and Cerebral Palsy), It is very rewarding to use my knowledge of history, journalism, government, politics, and the law to help our consumers achieve their personal goals, as well as work with colleagues across the state and nation as a disability community to achieve social and political change.
I have also worked as a sports reporter for the Sidney (MT) Herald and Jon Tester’s 2006 US Senate campaign. I have a B.A. in History with a minor in Political Science from Montana State University Billings. While at MSUB, I was on the editorial staff of the school paper, “The Retort.”
I am a big-time sports fan, spending a lot of time watching baseball, football, hockey, and golf. I also enjoy reading, playing video games, hanging out with family and friends, and being involved with Mayflower Congregational United Church of Christ here in Billings. For recreation, I play golf and ride my adult tricycle.
I suppose I should also add that I could be considered somewhat of an expert trivia player. I participated in College Bowl all five years I was at MSU-Billings and was on three teams that won the Northwest Regionals and earned a trip to the national finals. I have taken the online Jeopardy test several times, but so far, I have only gotten as far as an in-person audition in San Francisco in 201 and a Zoom audition in 2021. but as they used to say about the Brooklyn Dodgers, “There is always next year!”
Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns at (406) 294-5186 or
Peer Program

Sue Watkins
Peer Mentor
About Sue
Kristin Snider
Peer Mentor
About Kristen
Tricia Bishop
Peer Mentor
About Tricia
Having lived my whole life with a Visual Impairment has offered me both great perspective and appreciation for the shared experience of those individuals that I serve.
My goal and the goal of LIFTT’s Peer Program is always to help guide a person new to a disability or someone struggling with current barriers, to acceptance, to a greater sense of confidence, and to a feeling of empowerment. To be able to make a difference for someone is a wonderful honor and I’m proud to be part of their journey.
When I’m away from the office, I enjoy a variety of things. I have an aptitude for art and have created several charcoal portraits. I also love music of all kinds, and singing, and am an avid reader.
Travel is also a passion of mine and I look forward to a time when can again add another stamp to my passport. I’m always up for a good laugh and once I get the giggles, I’m sort of a lost cause!
If you are a person with a disability who would like to share their experiences with others and lives in our service area please consider becoming a part of our Peer Program.
Lastly, I’m kind of a quote nerd, so I’ll leave you with one of my favorites from Charlie Chaplin, “You’ll find that life is worthwhile if you just smile.”
About Living Independently for Today & Tomorrow (LIFTT): LIFTT is a Montana 501(c)3 corporation organized as a Center for Independent Living (CIL). With team members based in Billings and Glendive, LIFTT provides people with disabilities with programs and services that help empower them to break down the physical, bureaucratic, and cultural barriers that prevent them from being fully independent participants in their lives and communities throughout 18 counties in southeastern and southcentral Montana: Big Horn, Carbon, Carter, Custer, Dawson, Fallon, Garfield, Golden Valley, McCone, Musselshell, Powder River, Prairie, Richland, Stillwater, Wibaux, and Yellowstone. For more information, please visit or download our mobile app on Apple or Google Play.