LIFTT is a not-for-profit agency governed by a consumer-controlled Board of Directors whose lives have been personally impacted by a disability. It is partly funded by the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended in 2014 (Title VII – Independent Living Services), and the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services (Disability Employment & Transitions Division).
From offices in Billings and Glendive, LIFTT provides consumer and advocacy services to residents of Big Horn, Carbon, Carter, Custer, Dawson, Fallon, Garfield, Golden Valley, McCone, Musselshell, Powder River, Prairie, Richland, Rosebud, Stillwater, Treasure, Wibaux, and Yellowstone counties. LIFTT also works on a systemic level on local, state, and national issues to improve the lives of individuals with disabilities.
LIFTT’s Mission & Vision
Mission Statement
Vision Statement
Empowering aging and disabled individuals to LIFTT themselves above the barriers of life.
Learn more about LIFTT:

History of LIFTT
The organization received grants to further the independence of Montanans living with disabilities. mILp opened offices in Helena, Bozeman, and Butte. mILp provides services in 14 counties, (Beaverhead, Broadwater, Deer Lodge, Gallatin, Granite, Jefferson, Lewis and Clark, Madison, Meagher, Park, Powell, Silver Bow, Sweet Grass, and Wheatland); Summit opened offices in Missoula, Hamilton, Kalispell, and Ronan. It serves the Flathead Reservation, Lincoln, Flathead, Lake, Sanders, Mineral, Missoula, and Ravalli counties.
Following these initial organizations came the North Central Independent Living Services (NCILS) in Great Falls, and Living Independently For Today and Tomorrow (LIFTT) in Billings.
At first, LIFTT was called Yellowstone Valley Center for Independent Living (YVCIL). It was created around 1982, and in October 1988 changed its name to Living Independently For Today and Tomorrow (LIFTT). LIFTT’s first Executive Director and first Chair of the Board of Directors was Ardys Olin.
LIFTT has successfully provided independent living services in Southeastern Montana for over 30 years. Numerous people of all ages with disabilities now advocate for themselves, attend schools, work, are productive members of society, date, get married, have children, retire outside institutions, and thrive as independent human beings. These achievements were made possible with the help of quality leadership of LIFTT’s board of directors and executive directors.

The chairs of the board directors are listed chronologically:
- Ardys Olin, 1988-1990
- Michael Gram, 1991
- Marge Jones, 1992
- Ralph Sappinton, 1994
- Jan Scott, 1995-1998
- Dave Swanson, 1999-2000
- Dan Yazak, 2001-2008
- Maria Beltran, 2009-2010
- Daniel MacDonald, 2011-2013
- Mary Westwood, 2013-2016
- Jim Brown, 2017-2019
- Chad Hooker, 2019-2020
- Andy Fox, 2020-Current
Numerous individuals have also served as executive directors:
- Ardys Olin, 1988-1991
- Michael Gram, -1992
- Marge Jones, 1992-1993
- Ralph Sappington, 1993-1995
- Jan Scott, 1996-1999
- Pat Lockwood, 1999-2002
- David Swanson 2002-2008
- Bobbie Becker, 2008-2011
- Joe Burst, 2012-2015
- Tami Hoar, 2015-2017
- Jen Cleland, from 2017-2019
- Carlos Ramalho, from October 2019- current
LIFTT’s future is brighter than ever. Ours is a transition period in which the independent living movement became a permanent culture and American lifestyle.
LIFTT is investing in the future of Independent Living by building a new ADA accessible website and App; by providing consumers with online services and tools like the Spirit Club, Living Well in Community, online social groups, and community activities.
LIFTT invites you to become a part of this adventure.