LIFTT Glendive Regional Manager and Senior IL Specialist Jennifer Hawkinson has joined the Community Advisory Council of the Montana Center for Inclusive Education (MCIE) housed at Montana State University Billings.
The Montana Center for Inclusive Education (MCIE) at Montana State University Billings has named LIFTT’s Glendive Regional Manager and Senior Independent Living Specialist Jennifer Hawkinson to a three-year term on the inaugural Montana Center Community Advisory Council.
As envisioned, the Montana Center Community Advisory Council will bring together stakeholders, including people with disabilities, their families, educators, and service providers, to offer guidance to the MCIE as it pursues its vision of ” creating a fully inclusive society that values diversity” through its mission of “serving the diverse population of Montana by providing continuing professional development opportunities for educators and direct service providers.”
“LIFTT and the Montana Center for Inclusive Education share a commitment to policies, programs, and services that promote the full independent participation of Montanans with disabilities in their communities,” said Hawkinson. “This is particularly true when it comes to seeing that youth have the best possible support when transitioning from K-12 education to the next stage in life, be it post-secondary education or the working world, which is a particular passion of mine; I am grateful for the opportunity to participate in the Community Advisory Council and strengthen the link between our organizations.”
About Living Independently for Today & Tomorrow (LIFTT): LIFTT is a Montana 501(c)3 corporation organized as a Center for Independent Living (CIL). With team members based in Billings and Glendive, LIFTT provides people with disabilities with programs and services that help empower them to break down the physical, bureaucratic, and cultural barriers that prevent them from being fully independent participants in their lives and communities throughout 18 counties in southeastern and south-central Montana: Big Horn, Carbon, Carter, Custer, Dawson, Fallon, Garfield, Golden Valley, McCone, Musselshell, Powder River, Prairie, Richland, Rosebud, Stillwater, Treasure, Wibaux, and Yellowstone. For more information, please visit liftt.org or download our mobile app on Apple or Google Play.
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