Programs & Services
LIFTT offers a wide range of services designed to give people with disabilities, their families, and the general public the tools and resources they need to improve independence, self-confidence, knowledge, skills, and access to community resources. The experienced staff at LIFTT are readily available to assist you in meeting goals to reduce attitudinal, architectural and communication barriers, combat discrimination, and promote the development of resources, programs, and policies. Like all Centers for Independent Living, our ultimate goal is increased independence, economic opportunity, and enhanced quality of life for all persons with disabilities.
Please take a moment to go over our programs and services and see what LIFTT can do for you today!
Center of
Independent Living
- Information & Referral
- Individual & Systems Change Advocacy
- Peer Program
- Independent Living Skills Training
- Institutional Transitions & Diversion
- Youth Transitions
Living Independently for Today & Tomorrow (LIFTT) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation governed by a consumer-controlled board of directors who each have personal experience with disability. LIFTT is funded in part through grants and contracts with the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services and the Administration for Community Living, United States Department of Health and Human Services as well as grants and donations from foundations and individuals.