LIFTT Media Library

LIFTT: Helping Everyone Rise

We hope you enjoy this video featuring LIFTT team members discussing how they live and thrive independently with their disabilities. LIFTT offers people of all ages with disabilities the advocacy and resources to do the same.

For more information and how LIFTT can help you or someone you know, send us a message through our contact page, download our mobile app for Apple or Android, or call our offices in Billings: (406) 259-5181 and Glendive: (406) 948-8500.

Disablity Inclusion Through Transportation

In this four-minute video, the LIFTT Team climbs aboard a Billings MET Transit bus to show how accessible transportation is essential for including persons with disabilities in our community and to “put on display the ADA accessibility of the (MET) system.”
Thanks to LIFTT executive director Carlos Ramalho and the City of Billings Transit Manager Rusty Logan for providing the commentary and to the members of the Billings LIFTT team and our MET Driver for participating in our “Bus Adventure.”

Living Well in Montana Episodes

Living Well in Montana is produced by Living Independently for Today & Tomorrow (LIFTT) and Billings Community 7 Television and airs on Billings Community 7 TV.

Community Resources for At-Risk Youth


On this edition of “Living Well in Montana” LIFTT Peer Coordinator Tanya Thomas and IL Specialist/Nutritional Health Coach Anya Pulis talk with Tumbleweed Executive Director Georgia Cady about the services that both agencies separately and through collaboration provide to at-risk youth in the Billings community.

About Tumbleweed: Tumbleweed meets at-risk youth and young adults where they are and strives to create a continuum of care, making space for hope and opportunity. Founded in 1976, Tumbleweed is a non-profit, community-based agency serving homeless, trafficked, runaway, and otherwise at-risk youth and their families and support systems. For more information visit

A Conversation on Disability History & Culture 

Western Heritage Center Community Historian Lauren Hunley recently joined Carlos Ramalho and Jed Barton on an episode of “Living Well in Montana” to discuss two  exhibits coming to the Western Hertiage Center this March, “Equally Different: Uncovering the History of Disability in Montana” and “Empowered HeARTs: Work from Artists with Disabilities.” The discussion also covered some surprising facts about disability in Montana that Hunley’s research has yielded and how history echoes down to the situations in which the disability community finds itself today. The Western Heritage Center is located at 2822 Montana Avenue in downtown Billings and is open Tuesdays-Saturdays 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Admission to the museum is $5 for adults. $3 students & seniors, and free for children under age six. For more information about the Western Heritage Center visit or call (406) 256-6809.


Accessible Trail Update with Billings TrailNet

On this edition of “Living Well in Montana,” Billings TrailNet Executive Director Kristi Drake checks in with an update about this summer’s scheduled construction of acessiblity improvements at Lillis Park. She and LIFTT public relations specialist Jed Barton also talk about how a new grant that LIFTT is helping TrailNet seek to repair approximately 500 cracks in the asphalt along Black Otter Trail, how the public can contribute comments to the Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks committee that will be awarding the grant and the overall importance of the trail network in providing safe and secure transportation routes and recreational opportunities for the aging and disabled community.



Update on LIFTT’s Accessible Rural Transporation Program

On this edition of “Living Well in Montana,” LIFTT Executive Director Carlos Ramalho and Regional Manager Jen Hawkinson are joined by LIFTT’s brand new Transportation Program Coordinator, Tina Carter, to talk about new exciting developments as LIFTT continues to develop its Accessible Rural Transportation Program.


Self-Determination for the Aging & Disability Community

LIFTT Peer Program Coordinator Tanya Thomas is joined by Regional Manager Jen Hawkinson and Independent Living Program Manager Pam Rameriez on this edition of “Living Well in Montana” for a discussion of how the principle of Self-Determination that every individual, regardless of age or disability, has the right to make decisions and choices for themselves to the fullest extent possible is at the heart of all of the programs and services offered by LIFTT.

United We Serve Through Inclusion & Collaboration

On this episode of “Living Well in Montana,” LIFTT Peer Program Coordinator Tanya Thomas visits with representatives of the United Way of Yellowstone County and Montana State University Billings, discussing plans for a commemorative bell-ringing ceremony and all-abilities service project to take place at MSUB on January 20 to mark Martin Luther King Jr. Day.



Mapping LIFTT’s Future

LIFTT Executive Director Carlos Ramalho joins Public Relations Specialst Jed Barton on this edition of “Living Well in Montana” to discuss the five-year strategic plan that maps out a vision for LIFTT”s programs and services through the second half of the 2020s.

Based on the work of Dr. Dale Bredesen, “Optimize Your Brain Health,” participants will dive into actionable strategies for a healthier mind during these sessions. Weekly discussions will cover essential habits such as exercise, nutrition, sleep, and stress management, designed to unlock your brain’s incredible potential for resilience and growth.

For more information or to register for “Optimize Your Brain Health,” Contact Eileen at or (406) 294-5185.


Free, New Sessions of LIFTT’s Diabetes Prevention Program

LIFTT’s Nutritional Health Coaches Anya Pullis and Eileen Rodrigeuz talk about new sessions of LIFTT”s Diabetes Prevention Program beginning in February at the Billings LIFTT office and in March in Roundup in partnership with the Area 2 Agency on Aging.

If you need help registering or have questions, please contact Anya Pulis, LIFTT Nutritional Health Coach/Independent Living Specialst, at (406) 606-1766 or



Brain Health Class

On this “Living Well in Montana” episode, Public Relations Specialst Jed Barton talks with LIFTT’s Nututurtional Health Coach Eileen Rodirieguz about her upcoming eight-session “Optimize Your Brain Health” class.

Based on the work of Dr. Dale Bredesen, “Optimize Your Brain Health,” participants will dive into actionable strategies for a healthier mind during these sessions. Weekly discussions will cover essential habits such as exercise, nutrition, sleep, and stress management, designed to unlock your brain’s incredible potential for resilience and growth.

For more information or to register for “Optimize Your Brain Health,” Contact Eileen at or (406) 294-5185.


Nutrition & Cooking Class

LIFTT and the Montana State University Extension Service are teaming up to offer a free nine-week cooking and nutrition class designed to help participants discover the joy of preparing delicious meals together by empowering them with practical kitchen skills, smart shopping knowledge, and nutritional offer. In this “Living Well in Montana” episode, IL Specialst & Health Coach Anya Pulis talks about the upcoming class with MSU Extension Service Nutrition Educator Deb Holeman.

Click here to sign up for the LIFTT/MSU Extension Cooking & Nutrition Class!  If you need help registering or have questions, please contact Anya Pulis, LIFTT Nutritional Health Coach/Independent Living Specialst, at (406) 606-1766 or



Revitalizing Independent Living

On this episode of “Living Well in Montana,” LIFTT Public Relations Specialst Jed Barton visits with Glendive Regional Manager Jen Hawkinson and the agency’s new Billings Independent Living Program Manager Pamela Rameriez about their vision for LIFTT’s independent living program moving forward.


LIFTT’s ADA Accessible Rural Transportation Program

On this edition of “Living Well in Montana,” LIFTT’s Glendive Regional Manager Jen Hawkinson talks with Public Relations Specialst Jed Barton about the brand new LIFTT ADA Accessible Rural Transportation Program that is currently in the planning stages thanks to grants from the National Aging and Disabled Transportation Center (NADTC) as well as the Montana and US Departments of Transportation.


Legislature 101

This episode of “Living Well in Montana” features LIFTT Peer Program Coordinator Tanya Thomas in discussion with Government Affairs Specialist Jed Barton regarding the upcoming session of the Montana Legislature, which begins on January 6, 2025.

Disability Rights Montana

On this episode of “Living Well in Montana,” LIFTT executive director Carlos Ramalho and Public Relations Specialst Jed Barton talk with David Carlson, the executive director of Disability Rights Montana (DRM), about that organization’s mission to support and defend the civil and human rights of Montanans with Disabilities as the designated Protection & Advocacy (P & A) agency for Montana as well as ideas about the nature of system change and some current issues in disability rights advocacy such as the implementation of the Olmstead versus L.C. supreme court decision.

Visit Disability Rights Montana at

Lois & Elaine, Come to Montana!  

In this edition of “Living Well in Montana,” Molly Kimmel, director at the Rural Institute for Inclusive Communities, joins Jed Barton to discuss the ongoing development of Montana’s Curtis-Wilson (Olmstead) plan for providing services and support to people with disabilities in their homes and communities. Learn about the history behind the plan and how a 1999 U.S. Supreme Court Case that originated with two women in Georgia, Lois Curtis & Elaine Wilson, impacts individuals living with disabilities in Montana!

Check out the Rural Insituite’s Curtis-Wilson Plan webpage:

Relaunching the LIFTT Mobile App

On this episode of “Living Well in Montana,” LIFTT Public Relations Specialst Jed Barton visits with Erica Yakawich, regional director for Amplified Digital Agency, about the upcoming relaunch of the LIFTT app for Apple and Android mobile devices.

Digital Equity Under the Big Sky

This “Living Well in Montana” episode features LIFTT executive director Carlos Ramalho in conversation with Francella Ochillo, Director of Public Engagement at the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) of the U.S. Department of Commerce.

Ramalho and Ochillo discuss

  • What digital equity is,
  • why digital equity is essential to establish a truly inclusive society,
  • the work that LIFTT can/is/will be doing with partners such as NTIA, enabled through legislation such as the “Digital Equity Act” to break down barriers to accessibility and inclusion in digital spaces, just as we work to break down barriers in our physical homes and communities.


Fiesta for Fighters

On this episode of “Living Well in Montana,” LIFTT Nutritional Health Coaches Anya Pulis and Eileen Rodrieguz preview the “Fiesta for Fighters,” a breast cancer awareness month event to be held at LIFTT on Thursday, October 24, from 5 to 7 p.m.

For more information about Fiesta for Fighters, click here or contact Anya at (406) 606-1766 or

Get Out and Vote!

On this edition of “Living Well in Montana,” LIFTT public relations specialist Jed Barton talks with Kevin Gillen, field operations director for the Yellowstone County Elections office, about how to get registered and make sure you can vote in Montana during the 2024 General Election. Jed and Kevin also discuss ways that the state of Montana and Yellowstone County have worked to make voting accessible, including a demonstration of the ExpressVote touch screen ballot marking machine, which includes brail, audio, and even “sip’n’puff” accessibility features. Any voter can request the use of ExpressVote at any polling place.

If you need assistance in registering to vote or finding out more about inclusive voting options, such as vote by mail (absentee) and accessibility options at your early voting or election day polling place, LIFTT can help with that! Just give us a call at (406) 259-5181 in Billings or (406) 948-8500, send us an email through, or stop by 1241 Crawford Drive (Billings) or 119 S. Kendrick Avenue (Glendive) during regular office hours M-F 9-5 and a LIFTT team member will be glad to assist you.

Memories for Life Documentary

On this edition of “Living Well in Montana,” LIFTT nutritional health coaches Anya Pulis and Eileen Rodriguez preview an upcoming screening of the documentary “Memories for Life” on Sunday, October 6, at 2 p.m. at the Babcock Theatre in Downtown Billings.

Narrated by the award-winning singer Michael Bublé, “Memories for Life” highlights new developments in understanding, preventing, and treating Alzheimer’s, dementia, and overall brain health. Following the documentary, there will be a discussion about how you can get support for yourself or a loved one.

We hope you bring friends and family and enjoy this FREE event together! For more information about the “Memories for Life” screening event, contact LIFTT Nutritional Health Coach and Independent Living Specialst Eileen Rodriguez at (406) 294-5183 or

Feeling Your Best: Health Nutrition & Wellness @ LIFTT

In this edition of “Living Well in Montana,” LIFTT peer program coordinator Tanya Thomas talks with Anya Pulis and Eileen Rodriguez, who oversee LIFTT’s brand new Diabetes Prevention & Management Program as well as providing exercise classes and individualized coaching to LIFTT’s consumers as part of an effort to encourage physical activity and healthy habits so that everyone can “feel their best.”

Journey Through Resiliency

On this episode of “Living Well in Montana,” LIFTT Public Relations Specialist Jed Barton talks with Native American advocate and director of Identity Incorporated Don Wetzel Jr. about his personal journey as a top student-athlete and member of the Blackfoot Tribe. He also discusses the historical resilience of Montana’s native communities and how everyone, including people with disabilities, can learn its lessons and apply them in everyday life.


End-of-Life Doulas 

On this episode of “Living Well in Montana,” LIFTT’s Finance Director, Debra Acosta, talks about her work bringing comfort and understanding to patients facing their final days and their friends and family as a certified end-of-life doula. Acosta also talks about the unique end-of-life experiences of persons with disabilities and plans to make accessible, inclusive end-of-life services part of LIFTT’s growing catalog of programs.

Diversity & Inclusion

On this edition of “Living Well in Montana,” LIFTT executive director Carlos Ramlho and his partner (and LIFTT volunteer) Jordan Ferraro discuss how LIFTT extends an open and affirming welcome to members of the LGBTQ2S+ community and also how they approach the intersection of their identities as both gay men and people with disabilities.

Service Animals with Mountain Made K9

On this edition of “Living Well in Montana,” LIFTT Public Relations Specialst Jed Barton talks with Alisha Anderson, owner and service dog trainer with Mountain Made K9s. Ms. Anderson talks about the training process for service dogs  and her experience working with her service dog, “Timber,” who also joined the program.

Youth Transitions

On this edition of “Living Well in Montana,” LIFTT’s Glendive regional manager, senior IL specialist, and expert on all things youth, Jen Hawkinson, joins LIFTT public relations specialist Jed Barton to highlight the core service of youth transitions.

Youth transitions are services provided to people with disabilities aged 14-24 to help them plan and execute the move from K-12 education and living with their parents/guardians to higher education or a job and living independently like their peers.

To learn more about how LIFTT can help you or a disabled youth in your life make this transition, please visit or give us a call at (406) 259-5181 (Billings) or (406) 948-8500 (Glendive).

Community Health Worker Program (CHW)

LIFTT’s Community Health Worker (CHW) Program is the focus of this episode of “Living Well in Montana,” as Community Health Work Supervisor John Robison, Glendive Program Manager Jen Hawkinson, and Community Health Worker Nancy Grigsby talk about Who and What Community Health Workers are and do as well as their experiences implementing CHW across LIFTT’s 18 county service area.


New Buliding & Grand Opening

On this episode of “Living Well in Montana,” LIFTT Executive Director Carlos Ramalho and Public Relations Specialst Jed Barton discuss LIFTT’s move to a new office buliding at 1241 Crawford Drive in Billings and the agency’s plans for the space, including the grand opening celebration on May 10, 2024.

Supportive Communities

On this edition of “Living Well in Montana,” LIFTT public relations specialist Jed Barton talks with Morgan McQuillan, the founder of Project Footprints, which serves individuals and families in the Carbon County community facing emergencies. Project Footprints was born out of Ms McQuillan’s experince of support from her hometown of Joliet and the surrounding communities she experienced fighting bone cancer.


Disaster Relief & Community Outreach

On this edition of “Living Well in Montana,” Jed Barton and Debra Acosta talked with Dakota Smith, the owner of AmeriClean Disaster Restoration Services, about the recent flooding at the Billings LIFTT office and what folks can and should consider when disasters such as flooding strike their homes or businesses.

To contribute to LIFTT’s Flood Relief Fund, please visit

Active & Accessible Transportation

On this episode of  “Living Well in Montana,” LIFTT Public Relations & Government Affairs Specialst Jed Barton talks with Elyse Monat, Active Transportation Planner with the Billings/Yellowstone Metropolitan Planning Organization. Barton and Monat discuss active transportation infrastructure (i.e., Walking, Rolling, Biking, & Transit) in the Billings Community and how planning, designing, and constructing such infrastructure is a crucial component in creating communities that allow people with disabilities to live independently.

For more about active transportation in Billings, visit:

Accessibility to Media

On this episode of “Living Well in Montana,” LIFTT executive director Carlos Ramalho and public relations specialist Jed Barton talk with Billings Gazette President & Publisher David Worstell about

  • The why and how of people’s media use,
  • Why access to media for all, regardless of disability, is important,
  • What the Billings Gazette and its parent company Lee Enterprises, do to help make their media products accessible for all,
  • The future landscape of local media,
  • How LIFTT has come to form a partnership with Billings Gazette/Lee Enterprises through using Lee’s digital services firm, Amplified, to design the most recent versions of the LIFTT website and the LIFTT mobile app.

Veterans’ Services

On this edition of “Living Well in Montana,” LIFTT Public Relations Specialist Jed Barton talks with LIFTT Outreach Director and U.S. Army veteran John Robison about some of the unique programs and services that LIFTT provides to veterans with disabilities in our service area as well as an upcoming partnership between LIFTT and the drug treatment courts for both veterans and civilians in the Billings based Montana 13th Judicial District.


Learn, Build, & Grow Empowerment Through LIFTT’s Peer Program

On this episode of “Living Well in Montana,” LIFTT Assistant Independent Living Program Manager Tara Robison and Peer Program Coordinator Tanya Thomas talk about the opportunities for learning and empowerment available to persons with disabilities who participate in LIFTT’s newly restructured Peer Program.

For more information about how you can volunteer as a LIFTT Peer, contact Tanya at (406) 690-6324 or

New Year, New You, with LIFTT Workshops

On this episode of “Living Well in Montana,” LIFTT Outreach Director John Robison is joined by LIFTT team members Tara Robison and Tanya Thomas to discuss upcoming sessions of the Living Well in Community and Community Living Skills Workshops they will be facilitating in early 2024.

For more information about workshops at LIFTT, contact Tara Robison (406) 294-5192,, or Tanya Thomas (406) 690-6324, 



Domestic Violence & Disability 

On this episode of Living Well in Montana, LIFTT Outreach Director John Robison and Communications & Government Affairs Coordinator Jed Barton discuss the problem of domestic violence and abuse, its intersection with disability, and the services available to help victims with Erin Lambert, the CEO of the Billings YWCA. The YWCA provides many services to the victims of domestic violence and abuse, including a 24-hour crisis line, which can be reached at (406) 245-4472 (voice) or (406) 702-0229 (text).

A word of caution: The subject of this video is domestic violence and abuse. We realize that some viewers may find this a difficult or even traumatic subject to view and understand if they choose to surf to a different channel or video. Still, we feel that the frank and honest discussion and information that will be presented here is of vital importance to those who choose to continue watching.


Acquiring Service Animals

On this edition of “Living Well in Montana,” LIFTT Outreach Coordinator John Robison and Independent Living Specialst Britany Hopf talk with LIFTT Independent Living Specialst Theo Wheeler about the process that people with disabilities who wish to acquire a service animal go through and how LIFTT can help them navigate through it.


Stay at Home with LIFTT’s PCA Program!

On this edition of “Living Well in Montana,” LIFTT Communications & Government Affairs Coordinator Jed Barton talks with LIFTT’s Finance Director Debra Acosta about how LIFTT’s Medicaid Self Direct Personal Care Assitance program can assist qualified individuals in receiving the care they need to stay in their homes and a part of their community as opposed to being forced into a nursing home or other institutional living situations.

The program ends with the “World Premier” of LIFTT’s new thirty-second commercial for our PCA program services. Thanks to the team at KTVQ and LIFTT consumer and peer Vern Anderson for their work on this. To find out more about the LIFTT PCA program, please give us a call at (406) 259-5181 (Billings) or (406) 948-4800 (Glendive)

The web post by LIFTT Team member Valerie Rowlison that Debra mentions can be found here:


Getting to know Billings MET Transit

On this edition of Living Well in Montana, LIFTT Peer Program Coordinator Tanya Thomas talks with City of Billings Met Transit Manager Rusty Logan about new routes and other changes, such as designated stops that are coming for MET Transit users starting in October 2023. For more info about MET Transit, visit:

Youth Transitions 

On this edition of Living Well in Montana, LIFTT Communications & Government Affairs Coordinator Jed Barton talks with LIFTT Senior IL Specialist Jen Hawkinson about the core IL service of Youth Transitions: Helping youth with disabilities learn the skills necessary to transition from living with a parent/guardian and being in a K-12 educational setting to being out on their own in the working world or attending post-secondary education.

ADVC Vaccine Clinics

On this edition of “Living Well in Montana,” LIFTT Communications & Government Affairs coordinator Jed Barton talks with LIFTT’s John Robison and Erica Yakawich of Billings Gazette/Lee Enterprises about LIFTT’s participating in the Aging Disability Vaccine Collaborative (ADVC) led by USAging, A series of upcoming vaccine clinics, and how Lee Enterprises is working with LIFTT on our marketing strategy for the ADVC and Clinics. For more information on LIFTT & the ADVC, please visit

At the Intersection: The Disability & LGBTQ+ Communities

On this edition of Living Well in Montana, LIFTT Communications & Government Affairs Coordinator Jed Barton talks with LIFTT Independent Living Specialst Theo Wheeler and Rev. Dwight Welch of United Campus Ministry at Montana State University Billings about their experiences as being both people with disabilities and members of the LGBTQ+ community.

Dr. Janet Parker, Disability Rights Activist & Author

On this episode of Living Well in Montana, LIFTT executive director Carlos Ramalho talks with Dr. Janet Parker. Dr. Parker is a disability rights activist, author, and CEO of the advocacy non-profit Medical Whistleblower. Ramalho and Parker discuss the abuse and neglect of people with disabilities in institutional settings and what advocates as well as governments and international human rights organizations can do to combat it and help create more opportunities for true independent living solutions to take hold.

Making PRIDE Accessible

On this episode of Living Well in Montana, LIFTT Outreach Coordinator and Community Health Worker Supervisor John Robison and Independent Living Specialist Britany Hopf talked with Independent Living Specialist Theo Wheeler. They discussed the intersection of being a member of the LGBTQ+ community and being disabled, and how those experiences shape their understanding of personal identity. Additionally, they discussed the importance of finding community and having role models to look up to. They also talked about the impact of strangers’ kindness and the value of making all spaces accessible and disability friendly, as well as Pride events happening in the Billings area.

Trails as Acessiblity

On this episode of Living Well in Montana, LIFTT Communications & Government Affairs Coordinator Jed Barton talks with Kristi Drake, The Executive Director of BillingsTrailNet. They discussed how paved trails provide not only access to outdoor recreational opportunities for persons with disabilities to walk, roll and ride but also how the trails play a part in the transportation network for those who cannot/do not drive to access things in the community such as employment, education, shopping, and social activities.

They also discussed the recent approval by the Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks of a grant proposal submitted by TrailNet with LIFTT’s assistance that will allow for the repair of a trail in the area of Grand Avenue & 28th West known as “Arnold Drain Trail.”

Independent Living in Montana

On this edition of “Living Well in Montana” LIFTT executive director Carlos Ramahlo and Communications Coordinator Jed Barton chat with Tami Hoar, Executive Director of a Missoula-based CIL called Summit Independent Living.

The discussion focuses on Tami’s observations about disability and the independent living movement in Big Sky Country from her career providing disability services across Montana. In addition to Summit Tami has previously been LIFTT’s executive director and a program director for AbiltyMontana (formerly Montana Independent Living Project).

Aging and Disability Community Collaboration: Vaccines and Beyond

On this edition of “Living Well in Montana” LIFTT Executive Director Carlos Ramalho and Communications Coordinator Jed Barton visit with Sandy Markwood, Chief Executive Officer of USAging.

The discussion focused on the increasing collaboration between the aging and disability communities including LIFTT”s participation in the Aging & Disability Vaccine Collaborative to help ensure that seniors and persons with disabilities have accurate information about and appropriate access to vaccines for Influenza and COVID-19.

Rural Independent Living

On this episode of Living Well in Montana, LIFTT Executive Director Carlos Ramalho and Communications & Government Affairs Coordinator are joined by Elissa Ellis, the Director of Operations for the Association of Programs for Rural Independent Living (APRIL) who is out of Arkansas. LIFTT is a longtime member of APRIL.

The topic will is Rural Independent Living and how CILs, the disability community and indeed living with a disability in a rural area are different from the experiences of those in more urban settings. and the unique challenges and opportunities that disabled life in rural communities present

 LIFTT & Big Sky Senior Services Working Together for You

On this edition of “Living Well in Montana,” LIFTT executive director Carlos Ramalho and Peer Program Coordinator Tanya Thomas talk with Big Sky Senior Service’s Executive Director Tyler Amundson about how the two agencies partner to serve the aging and disabled communities in our region.

You can find out more about Big Sky Senior Senior Services at their website: 

Social Security Disability Basics

On this episode of “Living Well in Montana” LIFTT Communications and Government Affairs Coordinator Jed Barton visits with David Baier, Regional Public Affairs Specialst with the Social Security Administration.

Jed and David discuss some basic information about Social Security Disability benefits both Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) as well as how to register for a “My Social Security.” account.

For more information about Social Security visit:

Living Well in Community

On This Edition of “Living Well in Montana” LIFTT Communications & Government Affairs Coordinator Jed Barton talks with LIFTT IL Specialist Tara Robison and Peer Program Coordinator Tanya Thomas about their upcoming 10-session workshop entitled “Living Well in Community” Designed as part of the Healthy Community Living (HCL) program, Living Well in Community is a peer-led 10-session workshop for people with disabilities to set goals to support their overall quality of life and well-being.

Workshop participants can:

• Identify what is meaningful to them and then set quality-of-life goals around ways they want to make their lives better.

• Make progress toward the goals they set by applying problem-solving skills and managing emotions like frustration and discouragement, feelings that can get in the way of reaching goals

• Discover tools and skills that can make goal achievement easier like communicating effectively and finding important resources.

• Explore ways to improve their overall health by changing daily habits.

• Practice self-advocacy and systems advocacy to help them make changes that can support them and others in living well.

If you are interested in participating in an upcoming Living Well in Community workshop contact LIFTT at (406) 259-5181 or visit us at

Emergency Preparedness for People with Disabilities

On this edition of Living Well in Montana, LIFTT’s Community Health Worker/Outreach Coordinator John Robison and Peer Program Coordinator Tanya Thomas talk with RiverStone Health’s Emergency Preparedness Coordinator Lauren Brown about the realities of disaster preparedness for persons with disabilities in our region.

Developing an ADA Accessible Website & App

On this edition of Living Well in Montana, LIFTT Executive Director Carlos Ramalho and Communications & Government Affairs Coordinator Jed Barton talk with Dave Worstell CEO of the Billings Gazette/Lee Enterprises Montana, and Erica Regional Sales Manager for Lee Enterprises about the ADA accessible Website and App that LIFTT has recently launched in partnership with Lee Enterprises’s digital design firm known as Amplified.

Helping Everyone Rise

In this episode of Living Well in Montana: LIFTT team members Jed Barton and Jennifer Hawkinson provide an overview of LIFTT’s core services and introduce a new video entitled “Helping Everyone Rise” that features LIFTT team members talking about how they live and thrive independently with their disabilities and how LIFTT offers people, of all ages with all types of disabilities, the advocacy, and resources to do the same. The program concludes with a presentation of the video.

Building a Healthier Community Through Healthy by Design

On this edition of Living Well in Montana: LIFTT Community Health Worker/Outreach Coordinator John Robison and Peer Program Coordinator Tanya Thomas visit with Morgan Miller, MPH, Resilient Yellowstone Project Coordinator with the Healthy by Design Coalition about the Coalition and its work on initiatives to build Yellowstone County into a healthy community

There is a particular focus on the Resilient Yellowstone project and its focus on capturing the true impacts of COVID-19 on the county and its residents.

For more information on the Healthy by Design Coalition visit:

Diversity, Inclusion, Equity, & Accessibility

On this episode of “Living Well in Montana” LIFTT Executive Director Carlos Ramalho and Outreach Coordinator John Robison talk with Regina S. Dyton an Equity Consultant with the Partnership for Inclusive Disaster Strategies.

Their discussion focuses on how disability is just one identity through which people live their lives and how their disability may intersect with other identities such as class, race, ethnicity, religion, gender identity, and sexual orientation to shape an individual’s life experiences and how it is only possible to create a truly diverse, inclusive, equitable and accessible society when all an individual’s identities are taken into account.

Ms. Dyton is the recently retired Director of Community Health and Well Being of Trinity Health of New England at Saint Francis Hospital in Hartford, CT. Her professional history includes work on behalf of underserved victims of crime from oppressed communities, gender and sexual orientation equity advocacy, activism to promote racial equity and inclusion as well as disability rights advocacy. Ms. Dyton is an adjunct professor at the University of Connecticut School of Social Work, from which she graduated in 1997 with an MSW in Community Organizing.

Maintaining Independence through Occupational Therapy

In this episode of “Living Well in Montana” LIFTT Communications & Government Affairs Coordinator, Jed Barton talks with LIFTT Board member and occupational therapist Shelly Noel. Ms. Noel is the owner and lead OT of a new mobile practice called Montana Independent OT Advantage (Montana IOTA) which aims to make occupational therapy more accessible to rural communities by bringing it into patients’ homes.

Jed and Ms. Noel discuss what exactly is occupational therapy, how it differs from physical therapy, and how it can help people to regain and maintain their independence following an injury or disability.


Health, Happiness, and the Pursuit of Inclusion

In this edition of “Living Well in Montana,” host, & LIFTT Peer Program Coordinator Tanya Thomas with Dr. Meg Traci of the Rural Institute for Inclusive Communities at the University of Montana & the Montana Disability & Health Program (MTDH) about her work with MTDH to improve access to healthcare and increase positive health outcomes for people with disabilities in Montana and beyond.

For more about the UM Rural Institute for Inclusive Communities visit: and for more about the Montana Disability and Health Program visit:

Elevating Accessibility in Community Planning

In this edition of “Living Well in Montana” host, LIFTT Communications and Government Affairs Coordinator talks with nationally recognized planning and transportation consultant Mark Fenton and equity consultant Karin Korb about their work on spreading the message of inclusive walkable/movable community planning across the country and in particular their recent visit to Billings to present a keynote and facilitate an Inclusive Interdisciplinary Walk Audit as part of the Montana Association of Planners Conference.

“Landon’s Legacy”, Accessibility for All

In this edition of Living Well in Montana, LIFTT Team members Corby Skinner and Jed Barton talk with Marcie Smith (Founder, President) and DeAnn Visser (Captial Campaign Coordinator) of the Landon’s Legacy Foundation about the foundation’s recent opening of an all-abilities baseball field on Billings West End and future plans for an all-abilities playground and water feature at the same location. To find out more or help out Landon’s Legacy visit:

Seeking Support on the Pathway to Independence

In this episode of “Living Well in Montana” LIFTT Peer Program Coordinator, Tanya Thomas talks with Michael Mooney, President of the Rimrock Chapter of the Montana Association of the Blind (MAB) about MAB and how it works to support the independence of the Blind/Low Vision community in Montana. For more on the MAB visit

Understanding Disaster Recovery

In the edition of “Living Well in Montana” host, Corby Skinner discusses disaster recovery for people with disabilities in light of the recent flooding and ever-present threat of wildfire and other natural disasters here in Eastern Montana. Corby’s guests are Michael Houston Region 8 (MT, WY, ND, SD, CO, UT) Disability Integration Specialist with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and Anthony Mayne, Public Affairs Specialist with FEMA region 8.

Disability Rights from the Legal Perspective

In this edition of “Living Well in Montana” host Corby Skinner and LIFTT executive director, Carlos Ramalho discuss disability rights from a legal perspective with guest Melissa Marshall. In addition to her current role as Director of Operations with the Partnership for Inclusive Disaster Strategies, Ms. Marshall is a member of the Connecticut Bar with many years of practice in disability rights law.

Please Note: The information provided in this program does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice; instead, all information, content, and materials available on this site are for general informational purposes only. Viewers of this program should contact an attorney to obtain advice with respect to any particular legal matter.

Exploring Adaptive Equipment & Accessible Tech

In this episode of Living Well in Montana, host Corby Skinner and LIFTT Peer Program Coordinator Tanya Thomas discuss Adaptative Equipment and Assistive Technology with Molly Kimmell, Program Director for MonTECH (

Based at the University of Montana in Missoula with a satellite office at Montana State University Billings; MonTech is the federally funded Statewide Assistive Technology Program. MonTECH provides free, confidential information about assistive technology (AT) devices and services for Montanans.

Accessibility to COVID-19 Vaccines

In this edition of “Living Well in Montana” hosts Corby Skinner and Jed Barton are joined by an executive assistant at the Partnership for Disaster Strategies ( Priya Penner to discuss LIFTT’s involvement in Project ALIVE (Accessible Life-Saving Integrated Vaccine Equity) and a survey about COVID-19 vaccines that we are asking the public to participate in.


Disasters, Emergencies, and People with Disabilities

In this edition of “Living Well in Montana” hosts Corby Skinner and Jed Barton are joined by the Co-Executive Directors of the Partnership for Inclusive Disaster Strategies ( Shaylin Sluzalis and Germán Parodi to discuss how the needs of the disabled community should be at the forefront of disaster and emergency management planning & response at the local, state, national and international level.

Living with Low Vision and Blindness

In this edition of “Living Well in Montana,” LIFTT Team members Tanya Thomas and Larry Ketchem along with Shannon Payne of Montana Vocational Rehabilitation Blind & Low Vision Services talk about what it is like living with blindness and low vision.

Living with a Disability on Campus

In this edition of “Living Well in Montana,” host Corby Skinner talks with LIFTT Team members Tanya Thomas (Sheridan College, Casper College) and Lexi Syme (Montana State University Billings) about their experiences attending college as students with disabilities.

Advocating for K-12 students with disabilities

In this episode of “Living Well in Montana,” host Jed Barton and Kathleen Benoit talk with Tom Lynaugh of the Montana Empowerment Center (MEC, about how parents of school-aged children with disabilities who are overwhelmed by the bureaucratic intricacies associated with the public education systems and need assistance can work with MEC to receive guidance and advocacy to ensure that their child gets the services to which they are entitled so that they can succeed in the classroom.

Employment Considerations for People with Disabilities

In this episode of “Living Well in Montana,” host Kathleen Benoit is joined by LIFTT peer program coordinator Tanya Thomas and Bob Snizek, a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor with Montana Employment Consultants LLC ( to discuss the challenges that people with disabilities face when seeking competitive integrated employment.

Parenting Children with Autism Part I

In this episode of Living Well in Montana, Host Kathleen Benoit is joined by LIFTT team member Dianne Booth and Liz Miller of Berkshire Hathaway Home Services. Miller and Booth discuss their experiences parenting children with autism.

Parenting Children with Autism Part II

In this episode of Living Well in Montana, Host Kathleen Benoit is joined by LIFTT team member Dianne Booth and Liz Miller of Berkshire Hathaway Home Services to continue their discussion on their experiences parenting children with autism.

Disabilities in the Political Realm

In this episode of Living Well in Montana, Host Corby Skinner is joined by LIFTT team members Lee Hoblitizell and Jed Barton to discuss the complexities of advocating as persons with disabilities in political and public policy spaces.

Garett Gaustad and Tanya Thomas’s Success Stories

In this episode of Living Well in Montana, Host Kathleen Benoit is joined by LIFTT team members Garett Gaustad and Tanya Thomas who talk about the professional and personal growth they have experienced as part of the LIFTT peer program.

Home Modifications

In this episode of Living Well in Montana, Host Corby Skinner is joined by LIFTT team member, Steve Woodard, and LIFTT consumer Paul Singer to discuss wheelchair ramps and other home accessibility modifications and the important part those play in keeping people with disabilities independent in their homes & communities and how LIFTT can assist consumers in finding these resources.

Consumer Stories: Robert Hamilton

In this episode of Living Well in Montana, Hosts Kathleen Benoit and Corby Skinner are joined by LIFTT Consumer Robert Hamilton of Forsyth, MT, and LIFTT Team member Cheryl Riga to discuss how LIFTT has and continues to provide Robert with the assistance and services he needs in order to meet is independent living goals.

Driving with Disabilities

In this episode of Living Well in Montana, Host Corby Skinner is joined by LIFTT team member, Lee Hoblitzell to discuss Lee’s experiences driving while disabled including transferring into the vehicle and vehicle modifications such as hand controls. The program includes a video from the series “How to with Mary Allison. produced by the National Center on Health, Physical Activity, and Disability (NCHPAD).

Systems Change Advocacy

In this episode of Living Well in Montana, Host Corby Skinner is joined by LIFTT team member, Jed Barton who tells about how LIFTT and the wider network of Centers for Independent Living work to break down the systemic barriers to the freedom and equality of persons with disabilities.

Youth Transitions Part I

In this episode of Living Well in Montana, Host Kathleen Benoit is joined by LIFTT team members, Jennifer Hawkinson and MaKenna Andreopoulos to discuss how LIFTT works with Youth with Disabilities to help them (and their families) adjust to new realities as they exit high school and enter adult life.


Youth Transitions Part II

In this episode of Living Well in Montana, Host Corby Skinner is joined by LIFTT team members, Jennifer Hawkinson and MaKenna Andreopoulos to continue talking about how LIFTT works with Youth with Disabilities to help them make the transition from the K-12 environment to post-secondary education and jobs.

SPIRIT Club: inclusive exercise and healthy lifestyle classes

In this episode of “Living Well in Montana” host, Kathleen Benoit is joined by LIFTT team member Cheryl Riga, SPIRIT Club Founder Jared Ciner, and SPIRIT Club Operations Manager Henry Scheller to discuss the partnership between LIFTT and the Maryland-based SPIRIT Club to bring supportive inclusive virtual exercise and healthy lifestyle classes to people with disabilities free of charge across LIFTT’s 18-county service area in Eastern Montana.


Disability Etiquette and Sensitivity

In this episode of “Living Well in Montana” host, Kathleen Benoit discusses with LIFTT team members Larry Ketchem and Jed Barton their experiences navigating the world with their disabilities and how people can be cognizant and respectful of people with disabilities in their midst. Included in this program is a brief video on disability etiquette produced by the Office of Disability Rights of the District of Columbia.

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Part I

In the first part of this two-part episode of “Living Well in Montana” hosts Kathleen Benoit and Corby Skinner discuss the history and purpose of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) with Living Independently for Today & Tomorrow (LIFTT) board member and Montana State University Billings Assistant Professor of Rehabilitation and Human Services Dr. Paula McMahon.

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Part II

In the second part of this two-part episode of “Living Well in Montana” hosts Kathleen Benoit and Corby Skinner discuss the history and purpose of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) with Living Independently for Today & Tomorrow (LIFTT) board member and Montana State University Billings Assistant Professor of Rehabilitation and Human Services Dr. Paula McMahon.


LIFTT Board Chair Andy Fox

In this episode of “Living Well in Montana” hosts Kathleen Benoit and Corby Skinner talk with the chair of LIFTT’s Board of Directors Andy Fox about his experiences as a person living and working with a disability in Big Sky Country.

The Statewide Independent Living Council (SLIC)

In this episode of “Living Well in Montana,” host Kathleen Benoit learns more about the role of the Statewide Independent Living Council (SLIC) in leading the push for an inclusive disability policy in Montana. Kathleen’s guest is the SLIC chair and former director of the Montana Youth Transitions Project and Montana Youth Leadership Forum June Hermanson.

The LIFTT Peer Program

In the episode of “Living Well in Montana” Host Corby Skinner interviews LIFTT’s Peer Coordinator, Tanya Thomas, and Peer Garrett Gaustad about the opportunities for support and mentorship available through LIFTT’s Peer Program.


The topic of this episode of “Living Well in Montana” is LIFTT’s Medicaid Self-Directed Personal Care Assistance Services (SDPAS) also known as the Personal Care Attendant (PCA) Program and features a discussion with the program supervisor Freda Mook and program facilitator Lanette Brown moderated by Kathleen Benoit.