Wednesday Wisdom: Insights from LIFTT
Welcome to the series called “Wednesday Wisdom” where we take you, our consumers, supporters, and readers inside of LIFTT to give a detailed picture of some portion of our programs, services, and operations
Services & Resources for Youth with Disabilities-#WednesdayWisdom
It's another entry in our "Wednesday Wisdom" series; Where we take you, our consumers, supporters, and readers inside of LIFTT to give a detailed picture of some portion of our programs, services, operations, and related topics. This week, Senior IL...
A newcomer’s perspective on LIFTT-#WednesdayWisdom
CFC/SDPAS PCA Program Facilitator Tabatha Smith gives a glimpse of the learning curve that new team members face when they join LIFTT.
Social Security Ticket to Work Program-#WednesdayWisdom
Administrative Assistant Collette Ostermiller explains the Social Security Administration’s Ticket to Work Program which allows SSDI beneficiaries such as herself to at least attempt a return to work without losing needed benefits.
The PCA Program Service Delivery Record & Billing-#Wednesday Wisdom
Kasey Mook clerical assistant in LIFTT’s Self Direct Personal Care Assistance Program (SDPAS) takes readers through the Service Delivery Record (SDR) process utilized by LIFTT consumers and their personal care attendants to document services rendered so that correct billing and payment may occur.
The CFC/SDPAS PCA Program Intake Process-#WendesdayWisdom
CFC/SDPAS PCA Program Facilitator Valerie Rowlison takes readers on a step-by-step journey through the process by which a new consumer comes on to LIFTT’s CFC/SDPAS PCA program’s services.
Integration of Independent Living & Personal Care Attendant Services-#WednesdayWisdom
Freda Mook manager of both LIFTT’s Independent Living and Community First Choice Programs discusses the similarities and differences between IL and PCA services and how LIFTT strives to integrate them to best serve our consumers.
Qualifications for LIFTT”s CFC/SDPAS program-#WednesdayWisdom
Personal Care Assistance (PCA) program facilitator Lannette Brown reviews the qualifications for the LIFTT Community First Choice Self Direct Personal Assistance Program (CFC/SDPAS) also known as the Personal Care Assistant (PCA) program.
Successful CIL Suite Entries and Data Management @LIFTT- #WednesdayWisdom
LIFTT Data & Quality Control Manager Steve Woodard gives his perspective on how LIFTT uses the CIL Suite data system to manage our caseload and prepare the necessary reports required of us by our funders.